Tag Archives: Human Rights

The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Dec. 2nd, 2012

First we explore the politics of Palestine in relation to the region and in light of its new status of statehood. We began a discussion with Mark Perry about the politics of Palestine and statehood. We continue now to make sense of the new dynamics inside and outside of Palestine. Author of  Talking with Terrorists: Why America must engage with its enimies. [ Dur. 16 mins. ]

Finally on Scholars’ Circle: With more than 130 votes in the United Nations, Palestine has attained statehood, a move that is thought to empower President Mahmood Abbas’s position both inside Palestine and in future legal battles with its neighbor, Israel. This change in status along with other developments within Palestine and the region may have more ripple effects.

  • Ervin Staub, Prof. of Phycology, University of Massachusetts , Amherst. Author or  Roots of Evil : Origins of  Genocide and other Group Violence.
  • Sami Adwan, Prof. of Education, Bethlehem University , Editor of Peace Research Institute in Middle East and Author of Side by Side: Parallel history of Israel-Palestine
  • Sarai Aharoni, Prof. of Political Science, Hebrew University,  Jerusalem.

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – Sept. 2nd, 2012

1) A retrospective on the Republican Convention–What does it tell us about the future of republican politics & policy & what does it mean for the future of the US? [ dur: 9 mins. ]

  • Alan Minsky, Interim Program Director, KPFK;
  • Mitch Jesserich, KPFA;

2) The humanitarian crisis in Syria keeps getting worse with more than 1.5 million people displaced. [ dur: 16 mins. ]

3) The Scholars’ Circle — Syria, the region, the international community and possible solutions to the crisis there. [ dur: 29 mins. ]

  • Mark LeVine, University of California,Irvine; Prof. of History.
    Author of Why They Don’t Hate Us: Lifting the Veil on the Axis of Evil.
  • Nader Hashemi, Univ. of Denver; Prof. Middle East and Islamic Politics.
    Author of Islam, Secularism, and Liberal Democracy: Toward a Democratic Theory for Muslim Societies.
  • Rochelle Davis, Georgetown University. Prof. of Culture Anthropology:
    Author of Palestinian Village History

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – Aug. 12th, 2012

Seg. 1: How Google affects our knowledge, politics, privacy, and public projects. Joining us is Siva Vaidhyanathan, Professor of Media Studies and Law at the University of Virginia, and author of, “The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry).”

Seg. 2: We explore eliminationalism and genocide in the 20th and 21st century with author and former Professor of Political Science and Social Studies at Harvard University, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen. Goldhagen authored, “Worse than War: Genocide, Eliminationalism and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity.”

Seg. 3: On The Scholars Circle we look at Presidential power, and its restrictions and constraints. Blame Obama or blame the system? Joining us are three experts:

  • Julian E. Zelizer is Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Author:  Governing America: The Revival of Political History.
  • Eric Schickler is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Author:  Disjointed Pluralism: Institutional Innovation and the Development of the U.S. Congress.
  • Allan Lichtman is Professor of History at America University. Author:  White Protestant Nation: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle June 17th, 2012

Seg. one: Secret heroes. We look at lesser known people who have shaped the world. With Paul Martin, author of Secret Heros ; journalist. [ dur. 16 mins.]

Seg. two: A lock down in Tibet continues, with six more monks burning themselves as acts of protests. We speak with a scholar who just returned from Tibet and China. With Lori Brand, professor, USC; [ dur. 15 mins. ]

On the Scholars’ Circle, we look at root causes of the China – Tibet conflict, and how it might be resolved. [ dur. 28 mins. ]

  • Prof. Robbi Barnett, Colombia, Director of Modern Tibet Studies Program and author of numerous books on Tibet;;
  • Prof. Perry Link, UC Riverside.  Author: Evening Chats in Beijing  co-translated the Tianamen Papers.
  • Prof. Emily Yeh, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder.

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – May 6th 2012

Segment 1: Can new media change power relations? We speak with Rory O’Connor author of, “Friends, Followers and the Future: How Social Media are Changing Politics, Threatening Big Brands, and Killing Traditional Media” [ Dur. 29 mins. ]
Segment 2: Scholar’s Circle. What does the conviction of former Liberian President Charles Taylor reveal about the international justice system? Does this system work? Are there other ways to ensure justice?

  • Mark Drumbl is director of the Transnational law Institute at WA and Lee Univ. School of Law. His numerous publications include the award winning, Atrocity, Punishment, and International Law.
  • Prof. Hannah Garry is director of Int’l Human Rights Clinic at USC’s Gould School of law. She specializes in int’l human rights law, int’l criminal law, int’l humanitarian law and international refugee law.
  • David Kaye is the Executive Director of the Int’l Human Rights Law Program and Director of Int’l Justice Clinic at UCLA School of Law.

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – April 24th, 2012, Armenian Genocide

On the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we look at what are the conditions for genocide and what are the means to prevent it. [ Dur: 28 min. ]

  • Vahakn Dadrian, Dir. of Genocide Res. @ Zoryan Inst.
  • Prof. Alex Hinton, Rutgers Univ. Anthropology & Genocide;
  • Prof. Richard Dekmejian, Political Science, USC

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – April 19th, 2012

Seg. 1: Living Off the Grid? a look inside the movement to live with total freedom and independence. Who’s doing it? How and why? We speak with Nick Rosen author of, Off the Grid.

Seg. 2: Cancer and the environment – increasing evidence suggests that the cancer epidemic is linked to chemicals in the environment. We speak with Steingraber author of, Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment.

Seg.3: On the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we look at what are the conditions for genocide and what are the means to prevent it.

  • Vahakn Dadrian, Dir. of Genocide Res. @ Zoryan Inst.;
  • Prof. Alex Hinton, Rutgers Univ. Anthropology & Genocide;
  • Prof. Richard Dekmejian, Political Science, USC.

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – April 8st, 2012

First, did the sexual counter revolution polarize American politics? With author Nancy Cohen ( UCLA ) author of the just released book. Delirium: How the Sexual Counterrevolution is Polarizing America. [duration: 29 min.]

Then, on the scholars’ circle, how might the power of ideas shape countries and international power structures. [duration: 25 min. ]

  • Liz Borgwardt, Univ. of Chicago, author.
  • Christopher McKnight Nichols, Univ. Of Penn.
  • Tim Lynch, Univ. of Melbourne.

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – Feb 26th, 2012

First, we take a deeper look into scandals that led to the economic meltdown with G. Morgenson, author of Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armagaddon. (dur: 19min.)

On the 2nd segment we ask, what can the history of human rights tell us about the struggles of today? We talk with Micheline Ishay, author of The History of Human Rights. (dur: 10min.)

On Scholars’ Circle. Topic: historical memory. A look at how some “memory entrepreneurs” are rewriting history to shape policies of the future. (dur: 26min.)

For a transcript of this interview, please visit: TheBigQ

  • Prof. Brent Sasley, Univ. of Texas ;
  • Prof. Doug Becker, USC;
  • Prof. Alex Hinton, Rutgers Univ., author;
  • Prof. Dovile Budryte, Georgia Gwinnett College.

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Insighters & Scholars’ Circle – Feb. 5th, 2012

Seg. 1: What does the trial of international human rights Judge Baltasar Garzon mean for human rights law? With Reed Brody, Human Rights Watch.

Seg.2: How is international law changing for human rights and war? We speak with Ruthie Titel, Prof. of Law, NY University author of her new book, Humanity’s Law.

Seg. 3: Scholars’ Circle. In light of Mitt Romney’s comments about the very poor, we look at poverty, inequality, and social mobility both here in the U.S. and worldwide.

Lane Kenworthy, Prof. of Sociology & Political Science, Univ. of AZ
David A. Smith, Prof. Sociology, U.C. Irvine
Gregory Clark, Prof. & Chair, Dept. of Economics, UC Davis

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