Scholars’ Circle-Review-of-Green-Economy-/-Police-Culture-June 28th, 2015

First, are some green solutions unhelpful for the environment or worse, do they actually harm it? Over the last few years more green solutions have emerged to address environmental crises. But our guest says some of these amount to lazy environmentalism and may have a dark side effect of camouflaging a larger problem. Heather Rogers argues that our current socio-economic system depends on pollution to maintain its own well being, if so what are the real solutions? Heather Rogers join us, she is the author of Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution. [dur: 13 mins. ]

  • Heather Rogers is a journalist and author. Her book Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution received the Editor’s Choice distinction from the New York Times Book Review, and Non-Fiction Choice from the Guardian (UK).

Then, police in the United States have shot and killed more than 500 people in the first half of 2015, according to a count by the Guardian. In fact, the police in the U.S. have killed more individuals in a matter of days than other countries do in years. Most victims are African American. Three experts join us, discussing race relations, police culture and society. [ dur: 45 mins. ]

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