Tag Archives: climate adaptation

Scholars’ Circle – Sober view on Wildfire mitigation and adaptation – January 12, 2025

Western US is ablaze with intense and widespread fires. What role does climate change, forest management, overpopulation, and resource management play in the increasingly devastating fire seasons worldwide? How can climate mitigation and adaptation complicate forest management? [dur: 58mins. ]

This panel was recorded in September 2020.

This program is produced by the following team members: Ankine Aghassian, Melissa Chiprin, Tim Page, Mike Hurst and Sudd Dongre.

Scholars’ Circle – Economic Systems in the age of Climate Change induced collapse – July 4, 2021

Why do sustainable business initiatives so often fail? What fundamental changes we need from societies and the economic system to stem a climate change induced collapse? What economic systems might work on a planet with a finite capacity to sustain life? [ dur: 58 mins.]

  • Christopher Wright is Professor of Organisational Studies, Discipline of Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the University of Sydney Business School.
  • Daniel Nyberg is Professor of Management at Newcastle Business School and an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney.

Together they have co-authored Climate Change, Capitalism and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-destruction.

This program is produced with generous contribution from Ankine Aghassian, Melissa Chiprin, Tim Page, Mike Hurst and Sudd Dongre.