Tag Archives: South Africa

Scholars’ Circle – Votes counted in India, Mexico and South Africa – June 16, 2024

While much of the world is in a democratic backslide, some nations’ democracies are thriving. What do the elections in Mexico, South Africa, and India portend? We will examine the election of these three leading Global South nations, the impact of dominant parties losing some support, and the general state of democracy in each nation. How might the policies change? What was the impact of leadership personalities in the democratic developments in Mexico, South Africa and India? [ dur: 58mins. ]

This program is produced by Doug Becker, Ankine Aghassian, Maria Armoudian and Sudd Dongre.

The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Dec. 8th, 2013

In this hour, we reflect on Nelson Mandela s life, legacy and the struggle for multiracial democracy in South Africa with Mandela s friend and partner in the struggle, Albie Sachs.

  • Albie Sachs, South African Human rights lawyer and co-authored new constitution of South Africa. He has authored among others, The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter, The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law.

Then, scholars note that the world is waging fewer wars but that the wars that are waged are more brutal and intractable. How far have we come in the science of making peace?

  • George Lopez  Vice President and Director of international conflict management  at US Institute of Peace and Author of Sanctions and the Search for Security: Challenges to UN Action
  • Ervin Staub, Prof. of Psychology University of Massettuces Amherst.  Author of The Psychology of Good and Evil: Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others
  • Norrin Ripsman, Professor of  Political Science at Concordia University. Author of Globalization and the National Security State

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- June 30th, 2013

What are the collective impacts of the last Supreme Court term on our lives and our rights? [ dur: 18mins ]

  • Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. He is the author of books, including, Constitutional Law, and The Conservative Assault on the Constitution.

Then, the life, legacy and leadership of Nelson Mandela in the words of one of his closest colleagues. [ dur: 10 mins ]

  • Albie Sachs, former South African Constitutional Court judge; Author of many books, including The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter and The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law

Finally, in the wake of President Obama’s new climate plan, three of the world’s top scientists assess how to heal this planet. [ dur: 28 mins. ]

  • Mark Z. Jacobson is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford. He is the author of Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions and  Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation
  • Michael E. Mann is a Professor of Meteorology at Penn State University, and the director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center. Dr. Mann is author of more than 150 peer-reviewed and edited publications, and two books including, Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming, and The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines. He is also a lead author for the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on climate change for which he, his coauthors, and VP Al Gore won the Nobel prize.
  • Peter Ward is Professor of Biology at the University of Washington. He is the author of Our Flooded Earth, Under a Green Sky: global warming, the mass extinctions of the past and what they can tell us about our future mass extinctions, and, Out of Thin Air: Dinosaurs, Birds, and Earth’s Ancient Atmosphere.

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