Tag Archives: Foreign Policy

Scholars’ Circle – Foreign Policy differences of candidates in 2024 Presidential elections – October 6, 2024

From now until November’s American election, we will cover issues that confront the nation and the world and on which we expect people will vote. For today’s show, we will explore the differences between Vice-President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s nominee for President, and former President Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s nominee for President in their foreign policies. What are likely the different ways each candidate would address foreign policy issues if elected President. It was also said during the Cold War that “politics stop at water’s edge” in American foreign policy. But it is quite clear that, if that ever was true, it no longer is in 2024. SO we will discuss the differences.

This program is produced by Ankine Aghassian, Doug Becker and Sudd Dongre.