Tag Archives: Human Rights

The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- March 2nd, 2014

Power is shifting and changing hands more rapidly than ever. What does it mean for global politics, religion, and economies? [ dur: 24 mins. ]

  • Moises Naim, Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace, author of The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be.

On the Scholars’ Circle, what are the politics that are preventing the closure of Guantanamo Bay? What are the legal and diplomatic ramifications? [ dur: 34 mins. ]

  • David Glazier, professor of Law and fellow at Loyola Law School. Author of article: Playing by the rules: combating al Qaeda within the law of war.: An article from: William and Mary Law Review;
  • Jonathan Hafetz, professor of Law at Seton Hall University. Author of Habeas Corpus after 9/11: Confronting America’s New Global Detention System and co-author of The Guantánamo Lawyers: Inside a Prison Outside the Law
  • Peter Jan Honisberg, professor of Law at University of San Francisco School of Law, Witness to Guantanamo. Co-author of Our Nation Unhinged: The Human Consequences of the War on Terror and author of Crossing Border Street: A Civil Rights Memoir

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Jan. 19th, 2014

In this hour, is humanity outgrowing planet?

  • Paul R. Ehrlich is president of the Center for Conservation Biology and Bing professor of population studies at Stanford University, author of the Population Bomb, Human Natures: Genes, Culture, and the Human Prospect and A World of Wounds: Ecologists and the Human Dilemma.

Then, while much of the country remembers Martin Luther King, Jr. as primarily a leader of civil rights and desegregation and a great orator, our next guests say he stood for so much more. Many aspects of his life, legacy & philosophy remain either unknown or conveniently forgotten

  • David Garrow, Professor of History and Law at University of Pittsburgh, author of FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr: From “Solo” to Memphis
  • Joshua Inwood is Professor of Geography and Africana Studies in Geography Department, University of Tennessee. His publications include, Nonkilling Geography, Searching for the Promised Land: Examining Dr. Martin Luther King’s Concept of the Beloved Community,and Street naming and the politics of belonging: spatial injustices in the toponymic commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Thomas Jackson, Professor of History at University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He is the author of, From Civil Rights to Human Rights: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Struggle for Economic Justice

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Dec. 15th, 2013

Scholars’ Circle special. We spend the hour assessing how far we’ve come in protecting human rights and what else can be done. What are some of ICC’s strengths and weaknesses? [ dur: 58 mins. ]

Samuel Moyne, Professor of history, Univ. of Columbia. Author of Origins of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics;

Mark Drumbl, Professor of Law at Washington & Lee University and Director of Transnational Law Institute. Author of Atrocity, Punishment, and International Law

Chris Mahony, Professor of law, University of Auckland. Author of The Justice Sector Afterthought: Witness Protection in Africa

Elizabeth Borgwardt, Professor of law, Washington University. Author of A New Deal for the World: America’s Vision for Human Rights

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Dec. 8th, 2013

In this hour, we reflect on Nelson Mandela s life, legacy and the struggle for multiracial democracy in South Africa with Mandela s friend and partner in the struggle, Albie Sachs.

  • Albie Sachs, South African Human rights lawyer and co-authored new constitution of South Africa. He has authored among others, The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter, The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law.

Then, scholars note that the world is waging fewer wars but that the wars that are waged are more brutal and intractable. How far have we come in the science of making peace?

  • George Lopez  Vice President and Director of international conflict management  at US Institute of Peace and Author of Sanctions and the Search for Security: Challenges to UN Action
  • Ervin Staub, Prof. of Psychology University of Massettuces Amherst.  Author of The Psychology of Good and Evil: Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others
  • Norrin Ripsman, Professor of  Political Science at Concordia University. Author of Globalization and the National Security State

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Sept. 22nd, 2013

This week we cover following issues:

1) The house voted on Friday to de-fund President Obama’s signature Affordable Health Care act. What does this polarization mean for the future of US Policy? [ dur:  13 mins. ]

  • Sean Theriault, Professor of Government at Univ. of Texas at Austin. Author of  The Gingrich Senators: The Roots of Partisan Warfare in Congress and The Power Of The People: Congressional Competition, Public Attention, And Voter Retribution
  • Peter Hanson, Professor of Political Science Univ. of Denver;

2) Climate change, receding glaciers and melting ice sheets are causing the oceans to rise dramatically. What does that mean for the world’s coastal cities? [ dur: 14 mins. ]

  • Andrea Dutton, Professor of Geological Sciences at Univ. of FL; Author of Journal Science article Ice Volums and Sea level During the last interglacial
  • Brian Fagan. Professor of Anthropology at UC Santa Barbara; Author of The Attacking Ocean: The Past, Present, and Future of Rising Sea Levels

3) What most of the world has gotten wrong about Muslim fundamentalism. [ dur: 27 mins. ]

  • Karima Benoune, Professor of Law  at UC Davis, School of Law; Author of  Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism
  • Ousseina Alidou, Professor at Center African Studies, Rutgers University; Author of Engaging Modernity: Muslim Women and the Politics of Agency in Post-colonial Niger (Women in Africa and the Diaspora)
  • Sadia Abbas; Professor of English at Rutgers University; Echo Chamber of Freedom: Muslim Women and Pretext of Agency


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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Sept. 15th, 2013

First, we look at the relationships and regional dynamics that can help resolve the conflict in Syria. [ dur: 27 mins. ]

  • Chris Mahony, Deputy director of the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Auckland. Author of The Justice Sector Afterthought: Witness Protection in Africa
  • Eric Bordenkircher, Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, UCLA.

Then, on the Scholars’ Circle panel, when should the US and international community intervene on atrocities? What does international law say about intervention? [ dur: 29 mins. ]

  • Karima Bennoune, Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law. Author of Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism
  • Ryan C. Hendrickson, Professor of Political Science, Eastern Illinois University. Author of The Clinton Wars: The Constitution, Congress, and War Powers
  • Frank Chalk, Professor of History, Concordia University. Author of The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- June 23rd, 2013

First, Britain apologized to Mau Mau freedom fighters and will pay reparations. What does it mean for Kenyans and the international community?

  • Wanjiru Njendu , writer, director and producer of films. [ dur: 10 mins. ]
  • John Torpey is Professor of Sociology at the City University New York, Graduate Center . He is the author and editor of several books including, “Making Whole What has Been Smashed: On Reparations Politics,” “Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe: Transatlantic Relations after the Iraq War,” and “Politics and the Past: On Repairing Historical Injustices.” [ dur: 15 mins. ]

Then, on the Scholars Circle, we look at the global refugee crisis. What is driving it? And what are the solutions? [ dur: 30 mins. ]

  • Elizabeth Ferris is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy and co-director of the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement in Washington, D.C., where her work encompasses a wide range of issues related to internal displacement, humanitarian action, natural disasters and climate change. She is the author of, The Politics of Protection:The Limits of Humanitarian Action.
  • Karen Musalo is clinical professor of law  at UC Hastings College of Law. and is founding  Director of the Center of Gender and Refugee Studies. She was the lead attorney of the landmark case, Matter of Kasinga. She is the co-author of  Do They Hear When You Cry, and REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH, amongst other numerous publications.
  • Dr. Gilbert M. Burnham is the co-director of the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response at Johns Hopkins. He has extensive experience in emergency preparedness and response, particularly in humanitarian needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation that address the needs of vulnerable populations, and the development and implementation of training programs. He has published widely on these topics.

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- May 26th, 2013

In this hour, the war comes home. The struggles of homecoming veterans and how that affects us all. First, we speak with journalist Aaron Glantz, author of, Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans. [ dur: 20 mins. ]

  • Aaron Glantz, author, journalist; Author: Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans.

Then, we look at the unique challenges of women soldiers and veterans.  Film:  “Women at War :  Forgotten Veterans of Desert Storm”. [ dur: 10 mins. ]

  • Dennis Davis, filmmaker;
  • Christie Davis, filmmaker;

Finally, on the anniversary of the Charles Taylor conviction and sentencing, we revisit the good and the bad of the international criminal court. [ dur: 28 mins. ]

  • Prof. David Kaye, UCLA Law School;
  • Prof. Hannah Garry, USC Gould Law School;
  • Prof. Mark Drumbl, WA & Lee Univ. School of Law. Author: Atrocity, Punishment, and International Law

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- May 5th, 2013

First, power is shifting and changing hands more rapidly than ever. What does it mean for global politics, religion, and economies? [ dur. 24 mins. ]

  • Moises Naim, Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace, author of “End of Power from Board Rooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being in Charge Isn’t what it Used to Be”;

Then, on the Scholars’ Circle, what are the politics that are preventing the closure of Guantanamo Bay? What are the legal and diplomatic ramifications? [ dur. 30 mins. ]

  • David Glazier, Prof. of Law, Loyola Law School. Author of “Playing by the rules: combating al Qaeda within the law of war.: An Article from: William and Mary Law Review”;
  • Jonathan Hafetz, Prof. of Law, Seton Law. Author of “Habeas Corpus after 9/11: Confronting America’s New Global Detention System”;
  • Peter Jan Honigsberg, Prof. of Law, Univ. of SF School of Law, Witness to Guantanamo . Author of “Our  Nation Unhinged: The Human Consequences of the War on Terror”;

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Apr. 21st, 2013

First, part two of our interview with Steven Ross, author of, Hollywood Left and Right. [ dur: 27 mins. ]


Then, on the Scholars’ Circle, why does genocide happen and how can it be prevented. [ dur: 28 mins. ]

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