Tag Archives: Politics and Activism

The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- June 30th, 2013

What are the collective impacts of the last Supreme Court term on our lives and our rights? [ dur: 18mins ]

  • Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. He is the author of books, including, Constitutional Law, and The Conservative Assault on the Constitution.

Then, the life, legacy and leadership of Nelson Mandela in the words of one of his closest colleagues. [ dur: 10 mins ]

  • Albie Sachs, former South African Constitutional Court judge; Author of many books, including The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter and The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law

Finally, in the wake of President Obama’s new climate plan, three of the world’s top scientists assess how to heal this planet. [ dur: 28 mins. ]

  • Mark Z. Jacobson is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford. He is the author of Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions and  Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation
  • Michael E. Mann is a Professor of Meteorology at Penn State University, and the director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center. Dr. Mann is author of more than 150 peer-reviewed and edited publications, and two books including, Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming, and The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines. He is also a lead author for the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on climate change for which he, his coauthors, and VP Al Gore won the Nobel prize.
  • Peter Ward is Professor of Biology at the University of Washington. He is the author of Our Flooded Earth, Under a Green Sky: global warming, the mass extinctions of the past and what they can tell us about our future mass extinctions, and, Out of Thin Air: Dinosaurs, Birds, and Earth’s Ancient Atmosphere.

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- June 23rd, 2013

First, Britain apologized to Mau Mau freedom fighters and will pay reparations. What does it mean for Kenyans and the international community?

  • Wanjiru Njendu , writer, director and producer of films. [ dur: 10 mins. ]
  • John Torpey is Professor of Sociology at the City University New York, Graduate Center . He is the author and editor of several books including, “Making Whole What has Been Smashed: On Reparations Politics,” “Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe: Transatlantic Relations after the Iraq War,” and “Politics and the Past: On Repairing Historical Injustices.” [ dur: 15 mins. ]

Then, on the Scholars Circle, we look at the global refugee crisis. What is driving it? And what are the solutions? [ dur: 30 mins. ]

  • Elizabeth Ferris is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy and co-director of the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement in Washington, D.C., where her work encompasses a wide range of issues related to internal displacement, humanitarian action, natural disasters and climate change. She is the author of, The Politics of Protection:The Limits of Humanitarian Action.
  • Karen Musalo is clinical professor of law  at UC Hastings College of Law. and is founding  Director of the Center of Gender and Refugee Studies. She was the lead attorney of the landmark case, Matter of Kasinga. She is the co-author of  Do They Hear When You Cry, and REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH, amongst other numerous publications.
  • Dr. Gilbert M. Burnham is the co-director of the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response at Johns Hopkins. He has extensive experience in emergency preparedness and response, particularly in humanitarian needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation that address the needs of vulnerable populations, and the development and implementation of training programs. He has published widely on these topics.

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- June 16th, 2013

In this hour, we continue exploring the bank of the banks and the role it plays in international economies. [ dur: 10 mins. ]

  • Adam LeBor, Author: Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World

Then, is the national surveillance state a permanent feature of the US? [ dur: 20 mins. ]

  • Prof. Sanford Levinson. Prof. of Government and Law, University of Texas. Author: Constitutional Stupidities, Constitutional Tragedies

Finally, what do the uprisings in Turkey mean for the country itself, Middle East and the West? [ dur: 28 mins. ]

  • Dr. Marcie J. Patton is a Professor of Politics at Fairfield University. Her publications include, “Turkey,” “AKP Reform Fatigue in Turkey: What’s happened to the EU process?” and “The Economic Policies of the AKP Government: Rabbits from a Hat?”
  • Mark LeVine is a Professor of History at the University of California,Irvine. His books include, “Why They Don’t Hate Us: Lifting the Veil on the Axis of Evil,” “Heavy Metal Islam: Religion, Popular Culture and Resistance in the Middle East,” and co-authored “Religion, Social Practice, and Contested Hegemonies: Reconstructing the Public Sphere in Muslim Majority Societies”
  • Asli Ü. Bâli is Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law. She is the author of numerous publications including, “The Perils of Judicial Independence: Constitutional Transition and the Turkish Example” “From Subjects to Citizens? The Shifting Paradigm of Electoral Authoritarianism in the Middle East” and co-authored, “American Overreach: Strategic Interests and Millennial Ambitions in the Middle East.”

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- June 9th, 2013

First, we look at a little known international bank that influences the world’s economy.

  • Adam LeBor, Author: Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World

Then, on the Scholars’ Circle, amid the turmoil in Syria, we analyze the psychology that drives human atrocities and the means of preventing them.

  • Ervin Staub, is professor of Psychology at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Author of The Psychology of Good and Evil: Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others.
  • David Livingstone Smith, is professor of Philosophy at University of New England. Author of Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others
  • John Kaag, is professor of Philosophy University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Author of Neoconservative Images of the United Nations: American Domestic Politics and International Cooperation

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The Insighters Radio- June 2nd, 2013

First, there are some dozen situations around the world that could be considered pre-genocidal. What have we learned from past genocides? We speak with Romeo Dallaire, commander of peacekeeping forces in Rwanda who tried to stop the massacre of Tutsis. He is the author of, Shake Hands With the Devil and They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children. [ dur: 45 mins. ]

Then, we look at increasing evidence that the cancer epidemic is linked to chemicals in the environment. With Sandra Steingraber, author of the book, Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment.  [ dur: 13 mins. ]

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- May 26th, 2013

In this hour, the war comes home. The struggles of homecoming veterans and how that affects us all. First, we speak with journalist Aaron Glantz, author of, Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans. [ dur: 20 mins. ]

  • Aaron Glantz, author, journalist; Author: Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans.

Then, we look at the unique challenges of women soldiers and veterans.  Film:  “Women at War :  Forgotten Veterans of Desert Storm”. [ dur: 10 mins. ]

  • Dennis Davis, filmmaker;
  • Christie Davis, filmmaker;

Finally, on the anniversary of the Charles Taylor conviction and sentencing, we revisit the good and the bad of the international criminal court. [ dur: 28 mins. ]

  • Prof. David Kaye, UCLA Law School;
  • Prof. Hannah Garry, USC Gould Law School;
  • Prof. Mark Drumbl, WA & Lee Univ. School of Law. Author: Atrocity, Punishment, and International Law

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- May 19th, 2013

What can nature teach us about how to organize our societies, governments and businesses? [ dur: 28 mins. ]

  • Rafe Sagrin, marine ecologist, Univ. of AZ.; Author of ” Learning from the Octopus: How Secrets From Nature Can Help Us Fight Terrorism Attacks, Natural Disasters and Disease. “

Then on the Scholars’ Circle we discuss at how music effects political change, and how politics effects music. [ dur: 30 mins. ]

  • Prof. Mark LeVine, Prof. of Middle Eastern History, UCI; Author of ” Heavy Metal Islam: Rock, Resistance, and the Struggle for the Soul of Islam “
  • Prof. Josh Kun, Prof. of  Communication and Journalism, USC; Author of  ” Playing for Change: Music and Musicians in the Service of Social Movements “
  • Prof. Richard Flacks, Prof. of Sociolology, UC Santa Barbara; Author of ” Audiotopia: Music, Race, and America “

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- May 12th, 2013

First, do animals get depression, eating disorders, alcoholism, or diabetes? What can we learn from animals about healing? We explore the surprising common grounds between animals and us with the authors of “ZOOBIQUITY: The Astonishing Connection Between Human and Animal Health“.. [ dur. 28 mins. ]

  • Dr. Barbara Netttern-Herowitz, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA;
  • Kathryn Bowers, journalist. 

Then, on the Scholars Circle, we look at the politics of immigration today and throughout history. [ dur. 30 mins. ]

  • David Remiers, Prof. of history, Univ. of WI; Author of “Unwelcome Strangers: American Identity and the Turn Against Immigration”.
  • Gabriel Sanchez, Prof. of Political Science, Univ. of New Mexico. co-author of “Hispanics and US Political System: Moving Into the Mainstream”.

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- May 5th, 2013

First, power is shifting and changing hands more rapidly than ever. What does it mean for global politics, religion, and economies? [ dur. 24 mins. ]

  • Moises Naim, Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace, author of “End of Power from Board Rooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being in Charge Isn’t what it Used to Be”;

Then, on the Scholars’ Circle, what are the politics that are preventing the closure of Guantanamo Bay? What are the legal and diplomatic ramifications? [ dur. 30 mins. ]

  • David Glazier, Prof. of Law, Loyola Law School. Author of “Playing by the rules: combating al Qaeda within the law of war.: An Article from: William and Mary Law Review”;
  • Jonathan Hafetz, Prof. of Law, Seton Law. Author of “Habeas Corpus after 9/11: Confronting America’s New Global Detention System”;
  • Peter Jan Honigsberg, Prof. of Law, Univ. of SF School of Law, Witness to Guantanamo . Author of “Our  Nation Unhinged: The Human Consequences of the War on Terror”;

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The Scholars’ Circle & Insighters Radio- Apr. 28th, 2013

First, has President Obama capitulated by putting Social Security on the cutting block? What is the future of Social Security? [ dur: 13 mins. ]

  • Michael A. Hiltzik,   Financial Journalist for Los Angels Times,  author of “Plot against social security: How the Bush Plan is Endangering Our Financial Future”.

Then, in light of Koch brothers’ and Rupert Murdoch’s interest in the Tribune Company, we look at the fast changing world of journalism and media, and what it means for governance and democracy. [ dur: 45 mins ]

  • Tom Rosenstiel is an author, journalist, researcher and media critic and executive director of the American Press Institute. He is the author of, The Elements of Journalism: What News People Should Know and the Public Should Expect, and Blur: How to Know What’s True in the Age of Information Overload.

Scholars Circle Panel:

  • James T. Hamilton is Charles S. Sydnor Professor, Public Policy, Economics, and Political Science,and Director, DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy. He is the author of, All the News That’s Fit to Sell: How the Market Transforms Information into News, and Channeling Violence: The Economic Market for Violent Television Programming.
  • Victor Pickard is an Assistant Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the co-editor of, Will the Last Reporter Please Turn out the Lights, and was the lead author of the first comprehensive report on the American journalism crisis, Saving the News: Toward a National Journalism Strategy.
  • Ben Compaine is Director, Fellows Program at the Columbia University Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) and Lecturer,  D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University. He is the author of, The Digital Divide, Who Owns the Media and The Internet Upheaval.

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